Sunday, November 21, 2010

Coffee Time!!

Suave molecules of mocha invigorate the blood, the organ of thought receives from it a feeling of responsiveness and refreshment, you will sit down to your daily pastime which will restore your body and make the day's work easier. Actually this seems to be the basic need of the IT professional in nearly every crisis - a good hot cup of coffee. I just can't get my day in office started until I have had that first, piping extra hot cup of mocha.

I was walking down Wall Street in Asheville downtown with old college friends. The sun had already set and the evening was getting colder. We stepped into the quaint little "World Coffee Cafe" to catch up on things, old and new, over a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee shared with friends is happiness shared and time well spent. The coffee was good and so was the trip.


  1. Agree to the point that coffee time is very refreshing and relaxing. Loved the pic and its composition!!

  2. You have lovely pictures here. Have you ever seen the film "Coffee and Cigarettes"? I am told that it's good. I don't drink coffee too much, one cup and I'm good all day.

  3. Thank you Amelia. I haven't see the movie yet. Will try to see it sometime.

  4. Replies
    1. It's something one can easily and happily get addicted to.


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