Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunset at Lake Wylie

Sunsets at Lake Wylie are usually impressive; beautiful golden sunsets over the rippling water of the lake. From the western horizon, like a magician, the sun extends his golden wand over the lake water. At the touch, the sky and water seem to catch fire, melt and mingle togather. Sometimes passing clouds catch pink and purple hues from reflected light making for absolutely scintillating and serene sunsets.

Everytime I look at a sunset, I sit back and watch the magic unfold. I don't find myself saying, "add a little more red on the left corner, and put some more purple along the base, and use a little more orange in the water colour..." I don't find myself trying to control the sunset, but watch it with awe as it unfolds. I wish I could fully appreciate an individual the way I appreciate a sunset. Still working on it...


  1. ur realli gud wid ur photography....and d imagination behind it too...dis was seriously a dhinchak one...:)

    1. Thank you Tanya. It's taken at one of my favourite places. And we do have lovely sunsets there.

  2. sunsets are always matter whether its taken at my place or ur place....

  3. Ramakant,
    This is a beautiful picture. I live in Mint Hill and love taking sunrise / sunset pictures. Where are the better publically accessable locations of Lake Wylie to take such shots? Thanks in advance.
    Rob Ellis

    1. Thank you Rob for appreciating the shot. If you like sunsets, Lake Wylie is definitely a place not to miss. I have witnessed and enjoyed numerous glorious sunsets here. The shot above was taken at McDowell Nature Preserve. You can probably look it up on the web. While heading to Lake Wylie from Charlotte on South Tryon, you should be able to see the board for the reserve on the right just before reaching the bridge. There are quite a few good locations to take sunsets here.

      Another location is just after crossing the bridge, there is a boating pier (in front of a restaurant called T-Bones). This location also provides some good shots in the evening. You can see some of the pictures taken here in the below post.

      Tryst with the Shutter Bug: Lake Wylie


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Tryst with the Shutter Bug by Ramakant Pradhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.