Monday, October 11, 2010

In office...on a holiday!!

A day after Columbus Day; it's a holiday at office. And despite my best efforts I end up in office. Huddled togather in a conference room, the whole MDM team has been busy trying to debug the dreaded "deadlock" issue that has mysteriously resurfaced, this time in Production, after MDM implementation.

At the end of a long day during which the grey cells were tested on multiple occasions, I expected to see exhausted and tired faces. But it was a totally different scene that presented itself outside the office building. People made wisecracks and everyone had a smile on their face.

At such times, its difficult to resist the temptation to capture the magic of the moment. This time was no exception.


  1. i know how it takes to shed one's time in office..splly on a long weekend!...anyways all hard work is paid off..have a peaceful week :)


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Tryst with the Shutter Bug by Ramakant Pradhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.