Sunday, March 28, 2010

Crabtree Falls

Having spent some quality time at Linville Gorge, the next destination on our itinerary was Crabtree Falls. Again it was Ela's idea. As always, it turned out to be a good decision. A moderate hike from the place where we parked the car took us to the waterfall. Truly exquisite, the waterfall is a photographer's delight. I just wish I had a wide-angle lens to capture this beauty.

Crabtree Falls
Lower part of Crabtree Falls
Downstream from Crabtree Falls

The return journey was quite adventurous. We decided to step away from the trodden path and find our way back through uncharted territory. The forest floor was covered in fallen leaves and there were no trails or as much as an indication of the way forward. The trek was tough but thoroughly enjoyable. And we made it back to the car, safe and sound albeit completely out of breath.


  1. Are they NATURAL i mean real ?
    OMG... a mind boggling sight....that was like a WHITE SCREEN made of threads
    thanks for sharing...

    1. Oh the falls are very much real. And in quite a nice forest. Thanks for appreciating the pictures.

  2. The waterfalls look ethereal !

    1. Thank you!! Really appreciate your comment on the blog.

  3. nice waterfall. might I suggest a slightly longer exposure. I like the pics to be a bit more brighter but you pics are good as is as well. Rishi

    1. I keep experimenting with shutter speed when taking waterfalls. Sometimes too slow shutter ends up making the water look like vapours instead of showing the flow. In this case, the amount of water in the fall is very less. I need to work on exposure some more I guess to get a well exposed picture. Thank you for stopping by.

  4. That's an interesting and apt name for this waterfall. Where exactly is this place?

    1. This is in North Carolina near Asheville, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway.


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Tryst with the Shutter Bug by Ramakant Pradhan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.