Monday, January 18, 2010

Hanging Rock State Park

Day off from office with no plans. No problems lets go waterfall hunting. Dada and I set out to Danbury which is a couple of hours from Charlotte. The drive was good and so were the trails. Just wish there was more water in the waterfalls but I guess in summer the falls here do go down to a mere trickle.

The Hidden Falls
The Hidden Falls

In the bud

Stairs to the falls
Stairs to the Falls

The Windows Falls
The Windows Falls

Side view of the Windows Falls
Windows Falls - Side View

natural tunnel
Green Tunnel


  1. Good thing you commented on this. I now realized this was loading slow. Fixed that by changing the picture size.

  2. Thank you Freya. The waterfall wasn't big but came out well in the pics. I too love waterfalls :)


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