Monday, January 18, 2010

Lake Wylie

Finally got down to creating my own blog. But after thinking for a few hours couldn't decide on a topic. All of a sudden a thought came, why not Lake Wylie? And I know why this thought wave generated. Lake Wylie has been the default place to go whenever I didn't have any other destination in mind. Located just 15 miles from the place I have called home for the past couple of years, this lake is a photographer's delight. A lovely place for boating and night-time fishing, the lake is characterized by a rich variety of colours which fill its skyline almost all throughout the year.

Lake Wylie
Lake Wylie boating pier
Lake Wylie ducks
Lake Wylie fisherman in boat
Lake Wylie tree silhouette
Lake Wylie silhouette
Lake Wylie bridge
Lake Wylie evening
Lake Wylie sky
Lake Wylie evening sky
Lake Wylie pink tones
Lake Wylie long exposure
Lake Wylie Night Shot
Lake Wylie Night Shot


  1. the lighting is very beautiful. i wonder, is your photography skills from years of paractice? classes? or just something you do out of nature?

    because i love photography and would love to know what makes the perfect picture.




  2. Thank you Chocolate. It's just a case of being at the right place at the right time. The light's usually very good at the lake during sunsets. And I have been lucky with most of my shots. If you are really interested in photography, take lots of pictures and later review them in your laptop. You will be more appreciative of what you are doing correct and that will encourage you to take better pictures. And it will also show the areas with scope for improvement on which you can work on. Over a period of time, you will be taking exceptional pictures.

  3. I love the photos of the trees in silhouette - just gorgeous!

  4. It's a lovely place. These pictures trigger memories of many beautiful evenings spent here in the company of great friends.

  5. u've captured some great tones and landscapes here! the silhouettes of the bare trees look very nice. though u cud do with a bit of straightening of a few of ur shots!

    My Third Eye

    1. Thank you Rohit for your thoughtful comments. I agree some of the pictures could have been straightened. Its been a learning experience all this while and I keep learning something every time I click a picture, keeping the horizon straight being one of them.


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