Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Great Smoky Mountains

Fourth of July weekend. A much anticipated long weekend after a rather long and hectic office schedule. Only thought in mind - rest and recuperate. Recharge those batteries before the greulling days to come over the next couple of months. Prospect of stay in a cabin, in the midst of the Great Smoky Mountains, was tempting with enchanting appeal. Near the Tennessee-North Carolina border, it is only 3 hours drive from Charlotte. Popularly known as Smokies for the natural fog that often hangs over the range as large smoke plumes from a distance, these mountains are a subrange of the Appalachian Mountains and forms part of the Blue Ridge mountain range.

Blue Ridge Mts

The mountain cabins dotted the slope and offered a spectacular view. Wild bears tend to frequent the area foraging for extra food. Leaving leftovers outside in the bins is strictly prohibited.

the cabins in smoky mts

Sitting in the balcony, watching the sky as the sun gradually went down the horizon is a sublime experience. One can hear the surrounding forest come alive with the growing darkness.

Dusk from the balcony

We went on walks in the mornings, down the mountain trails which funnily reminded me of tractor or bullock cart tracks back in India. The forest was rich in flora and we spotted beauty peeking from the brush. It was a nature's treasure trove.

looks like a tractor track...

The forest is rich in flora and we spotted beauty peeking from the brush. It was a nature's treasure trove. Several varieties of wild flowers adorned the brush on both sides of the tracks.

beauty in the brush...
nature's treasures
nature's treasures

We even spotted a small brook which merrily tinkled down the mountain before vanishing further down, into the depths of the forest.

Small brook

The nearby town of Gatlinburg is a quaint little town with all kinds of fun stuff to do. Wax museums, hall of mirrors, scary house, you take your pick. We passed by a tattoo shop and few of us jumped at the opportunity to get a tattoo done. The fact that the tattoos were being made by a beautiful Russian lady might have had a tiny influence on our decision :)

Lantern & Cascade
Beautiful bud...

The long weekend over, we made the drive back to Charlotte high on what nature's offered, completely replenished after this sojourn with nature.

Drive back from Smoky Mts


  1. Hello Ramakant ..All the pics are awesome...specially the flowers mind refreshing....Pics shows your sheer brilliance skills with the camera....I am eagerly waiting to copy all the pics, ...

  2. not that brilliant, you can say more of lucky shots...

  3. Smokies are on my cards since a long time. Amazing pics!! But isn't it risky to walk in the woods considering the high bear population in that area?

    1. There is always the rare chance of meeting up with a bear when in Smokies. They even come down to the cabins in search of food at night. But, the trails are quite popular and we didn't want to pass the opportunity.

  4. This so beautiful. And so nostalgic. We went from the Knoxville side, and that was great too.

    US is God's own country for nature lovers.

    1. There are some really fantastic places for nature lovers for sure.

  5. Pic 2 is my favorite out of this beautiful post. The stream could have been better at a slower shutter speed. :)

    1. Thank you Puru for stopping by. I guess a slow shutter speed would have helped but it was kind of difficult managing that hand holding the camera.

  6. Simply beautiful shots of the flowers...loved it!

    1. It was a lovely trip and I enjoyed taking the pictures. Good to see someone liking the pictures :)


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